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Alt Tik Tok

A section of tiktok that thinks its quirky and unique, but it's just full of posers. It's just as bad as the rest of tiktok, in fact it's worse because you have; mumble rap kawaii "goth" Corpse Husband-listening "white cishet males are problematic" "am i a psychopath test?" teenagers.

"Did you see those posers on alt tik tok? They listen to mumble rap and claim to be goth"

by grungygeck00000 February 13, 2022

Irresponsible Hate Anthem

Irresponsible Hate Anthem is a phrase that means when you are so angry, you are ready to write a reckless tune about your rage. Just as it says in the name, Irresponsible Hate Anthem refers to a song of the same title, created in 1996 by Marilyn Manson. It is an amazing song (I suggest you check it out), and is basically pure rage. That's why if you lose your fortnite game, can't get the darn internet to connect, or are forced into catholic school, you may feel the NEED to write an IRRESPONSIBLE HATE ANTHEM!!!!!!!!!!
Sidenote: getting forced into a catholic school may turn you into an antichrist superstar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Imma bout to irresponsible hate anthem that asshole"

by grungygeck00000 January 23, 2022


One of the most pathetic sites on the internet. Its pitiful users dedicate hours of their time to gather "dirt" on any famous person or celebrity. It's extremely tragic the amount of effort and focus that gets put into trying to cancel people.

"Did you see that post on Lolcow.farm????"
"Oh god, I would never step foot into that cesspool"

by grungygeck00000 April 17, 2022

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