Source Code


person who kisses fellow workers at work party when drunk

Did you meet a "sheldo" last night?

by gus April 1, 2005

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


to go into a car high and drunk and go down springfield avenue at a 100 mph and crash into the foundation of a building and get wedged in and die on impact.

He stelmakhed the other day and i cant find his obitchuary

by gus November 27, 2004

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

lol butts

Literally translates to "I am laughing because I just now remembered that butts exist," but meaning depends on usage- can be an insult, a compliment, an observation or a question.

Frank: "Hey, I just joined a frat."
Paul: "lol butts"

Shawna: "Do you like my new haircut?"
Paul: "lol butts"

Paul: "lol butts"
Steve: "I agree."

Paul: "lol butts"
Steve: "No, we lost it a few weeks ago."

by gus November 11, 2004

331πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

place kicker

place kicker is a sex position, it is where the girl has one leg up and one foot on the floor, she is in the place kicking position while she is being penetrated from behind.

I pulled the place kicker on Kristina last night, it was nice.

by gus January 22, 2004

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Borange head! Used as insult; Dick head, ass head, knob head.
Well ill be! If that horse isnt the most Borange horse ive ever seen. It could'nt hold up a hard on to save itself! Borange horse, horse is no good, lame, garbage.

Jesus! Chech out that ugly bitch with the borange ass!
Its not just the ass thats Borange, the face is a damn disgrace!(followed by laughter)

by gus January 20, 2005

1πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


the average freshie

grosssssss did u see that thing?! wat an amphibian

by gus July 9, 2003

3πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

froggy style

sexual position where woman is facing man in a catcher like position bouncing up and down

Rachel was riding me froggy style last night, it was nice.

by gus January 22, 2004

684πŸ‘ 389πŸ‘Ž