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The kind of person who willingly adds the cherry to the top of your ice cream (Metaphorically and literally). S/he is the one who decides if your gathering or assembly of people will be enjoyable by merely showing up. These clever beings are in-fact human, even though they have the body of a Greek God/ Goddess. It is politically correct to say they are perfect in virtually every way.

Talents and attributes for a Cordes include making others feel elation and anguish at the same time, being able to differentiate all facts in the history of forever, making incredible pick-nicks {both genders (shows how truly amazing they really are)}, and being just plain sexy.

WARNINGS: You can try to be like this person, but you will ultimately fail. It is suggested to not show up this person either, for it is impossible... and fatal.

Wait Sean is going? That kid is such a Cordes, i'm in!

by guy2theleft April 10, 2011

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