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Reggaeton slang for large penis.

Also used by Cubans to denote mass rhythm created by the combination of the basic percussion Instruments in salsa/mambo (the conga, guiro, timbales, clave, and bongo).

See- www.masacoteentertainment.com

(from Guasa Guasa)

Pa' que balas locas como Sam Bigote
Soplapote es el dueño del masacote
Oye, yo si soy killer, mas monstruo que los de "Thriller"
Los mato de lejito como Reggie Miller

(From Vico C's Masacote)

Si masacote es lo que ella quiere
Pues masacote es lo que va a tener
Y el masacote que esta pidiendo
No come cuento y la va a envolver
Si masacote es lo que ella pide
Pues masacote le van a dar
Y el masacote que esta pidiendo
No come cuento y la va a matar

by h0mi December 14, 2005

58👍 28👎


Rarely used by itself- used to mean "hell" or hellish place.

vete para carajo
"go to hell"

by h0mi May 3, 2004

271👍 199👎


Slang in reggaeton for beat. The reggaeton rhythm or beat.

Dembow: Éste tipo de música (reggaeton) El Ritmo. (Lorna - Papi Chulo "suavemente you con el dembow...").

by h0mi December 14, 2005

323👍 113👎


Spanish for Plantain, a starchy relative to the banana that's used in carribean cooking. Never eaten raw.

In the southwest US, this the word used to describe ordinary Bananas.

Also used as an insult to refer to Dominicans, especially to call someone a "come platano" (platano eater).

Platanos are good when sliced into chips and fried.

Pedro Martinez is a Platano.

Sammy Sosa es un "come platano".

"In Santo Domingo, all that grew was platanos so that's all we ate. We ate platanos with sugar for breakfast, platanos at lunch, and platanos for dinner."

by h0mi May 28, 2004

133👍 44👎


Typically "jerk off" for Mexicans. For Puerto Ricans and Dominicans it's a curse like coño.

Puñeta! I stubbed my toe!

Puñeta coño! I have to fix the car again.

by h0mi May 4, 2004

320👍 175👎


Crazy female. Typically used as an adjective

Mira ese loca puta

Look at that crazy bitch

by h0mi May 4, 2004

333👍 114👎


Used by people who use the term carajo

A spanglish term for hell, or just a really awful place or a place in a really remote or hot area; the boonies.

Jason lives in carajoland.

If you hit me with that ball, I'm gonna throw it all the way to carajoland.

by h0mi May 3, 2004

15👍 12👎