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mc poop

The poop you have to take almost immediately after ingesting Mc Donald's food.

I'll be back in 10 minutes... I had a big mac for lunch and i have to go take a mc poop.

by hahaidontgetit April 4, 2009

13👍 4👎

biological terrorist

Someone who uses their own body fluids/wastes to terrorize others.

1) "There was a huge pile of human poo on the floor outside of my door this morning. I see the biological terrorist struck again."

2) "Tom is such a biological terrorist; he was trying to touch me with a booger he picked out of his nose. Gross."

by hahaidontgetit April 8, 2009

1👍 1👎

Post-Holiday Depression (PHD)

When one becomes depressed as the fun of the holidays comes to an end and everyone has to return to their boring, everyday lives.

Often goes hand-in-hand with christmas tight.

Bob: "What is Steve's problem?"

Sue: "I think he has a severe case of Post-Holiday Depression (PHD). I heard him crying when his co-workers in the next cubicle were talking about their holiday vacations.

by hahaidontgetit December 28, 2010