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african paint job

Its when your on the shitter and then you whip your ass and blow your nose with the same piece of toilet paper

Jon: I was pooping and the i gave myself and African paint job

Tron: eeeeew that gross

by hahasuka January 29, 2014

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Sperm Witch

A girl that will make you ejaculate in a cup during sex to then try to read your future with it like it was tea leaves. Usually, they are crazy beyond repair and well use healing crystals as butt plugs.

Marc: How was that girl you hooked up with last night?
Jeremie: Bro she was a Sperm Witch when I cam she put my cum in a cup and said I was going to die in 3 years
Marc: You need to get a healing crystal to protect you

by hahasuka December 8, 2020

sand dollars

Its what hobos use as currency when they don't have any money

Joel: Shit I'm out of booze

Max: just buy some with your sand dollars

by hahasuka February 9, 2014

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Shitler is when you give a Rimjob to your lover and they have a dirty ass so you get a brown patch on your top lip that looks like a Hitler mustache

Joel: Hey Remi I heard you hooked up with Nadia last night
Remi: Yeah bro I gave her a Rimjob and when I when to the bathroom later I realized she gave me a Shitler
Joel: Next time make sure to wipe her ass before you go in there

by hahasuka December 7, 2020

6πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Pussy Poutine

When you pipe a bitch down and her snatch starts making cream white gravy and you dip some fries into it as a mid-sex snack.

Isaac: Man this sex has me burnt out
Terrie: Just take some of the leftover McDonalds fries and make a Pussy Poutine
Isaac: Good idea now I can fuck you for another 2 minutes!

by hahasuka December 8, 2020

nigger mage

A black magician at a child's birthday party

Dad: Johnny is going to be 7 on Friday
Mom: I know I hired a nigger mage for the party!

by hahasuka April 5, 2017

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

College Paint Job

A College Paintjob is when you pipe down a girl and before you nut you scream, cum on your hand and with cover her face with that cum. Once the deed is done you leave the building regardless of who owns the house.

Marc: Hey Isaac how was the night with Vanessa?
Isaac: Bro, you wouldn't believe it she would not shut up about astrology so I had to give her a college paint job
Marc: That's crazy bro you just left her to spread eagle in your house. I respect you

by hahasuka June 5, 2020