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fuckers who try to trick you by putting ads on webpages saying they will actually help your computer with their software when really they want you to download it so they can get info about you and fuck you and your computer over. and some people are dumb enough to believe them.

but sometimes they can get in your computer manually. spyware usually hides itself in photos, internet pages, ads, and videos. oh and if an ad suddenly appears while you're surfing, and has no title and tells you that you have spyware on your computer, that's spyware and you have it on your computer.

don't download that program. use real programs to delete that trash, programs such as adaware spybot prevx1 etc.

Example of shitty Spyware Ad:

SpyWare Detected! Your personal data is in danger!
Remote Computer ( gained full control over your system. Default security software is unable to stop this active spyware threat. Your personal information is in danger.

Click here to Download SpyGone!

by halalb January 22, 2006

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