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fackin tell me

when someone shoots you a goodie, you inform them that they must tell you

Originates from the latin saying, shoot me a goodie.

Person 1: Pull your mask up

Person 2: why don’t you come over, we can sit down with some nice south amereecan coffee, and you can fackin tell me

by handlesog December 21, 2020


a variant of daup

Person 1: your moms a hoe
Person 2: Dayup

by handlesog December 21, 2020


Someone’s who’s such a dildo, they’re an advanced form

That guy over there is such a dildomeer

by handlesog December 21, 2020


The scale on which daups are judged.

Ranked on a scale from 1-5
1- Tasty
2- Delicious

3- Scrumptious

4- Exquisite

5- Devine

Person 1: How much of a Daup is this
Person 2: Let us consult the Daup-o-meter

by handlesog December 23, 2020


The only possible thing to do after a round of golf.
Also the root of Covid-19

“Hey that was a good round of golf wanna come back to my place to have some pops?”

by handlesog May 14, 2021

Put it in my ear

When someone says something so scrumptious, you tell them where to shoot you said goodie.

Person 1: A Ford Ranger is a good vehicle

Person 2: Why don’t you put it in my ear

by handlesog December 21, 2020

Shoot me one

When someone just needs to let you know a goodie

Just fucking shoot me one buddy

by handlesog December 23, 2020