Source Code


A word that means expensive, flashy jewlery. It was made popular in a song by rapper B.G. of the same name. Lil' Wayne claims he came up with the word. Used primarily by lame, white people who destroyed an already stupid word.

Anyone who says bling-bling anymore should be hanged, drawn, and quatered in public, in front of television cameras.

by hasafienda January 21, 2005

12πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Cannibal Corpse

A death metal band that attempts to offend people with disgusting lyrics and ridiculous song names. I know they are suppose to play to a niche market but most of their fans are probably 12 years olds who try to look different and insane.

The actual fans of this group I can respect since they are being sincere, the preteen I want to be different so I can look cool can jump off a bridge.

by hasafienda February 24, 2005

69πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Off the Hook

Off The Hook is a Montréal radio show in English on CKUT FM. You can listen to it on ckut.ca if you don't live in Montréal. The disc jockeys are Orion Revolution, Budda Blaze, and Flow. The music played is underground rap, but thank God that I haven't heard any of that Anticon faggot shit on it yet. It is on between Midnight and 2 AM on Thursday mornings. At 1 AM starts a half-hour of freestyles, if you're wack you are cut off early, and everything is uncensored unless they were sent a radio edit for the show.

I listen to it when ever I can on my computer because I live in the States.

by hasafienda November 22, 2004

5πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A tribe that resides in Northern Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. They live off hunting and use every part of the animals they hunt. More commonly known as Eskimo.

It is really not the proper term for Eskimo since Eskimo is a more collective term that includes the Yupik, who take great offence in being called Inuit. The word has fallen out of use in much of Canada from a false etymology. It does NOT come from a Cree word that means "eaters of raw meat." The Cree themselves ate raw meat. The first origins of this word are French and appear before contact with the Ojibwa, who do call the Eskimos "eaters of raw meat."

by hasafienda February 8, 2005

40πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


State where I was born, live in, and mostly likely will die in. The best state in the United States. It is a cold place in the winter months but never gets too hot and it is not as heavily taxed as most states these days, it is 34th out of 50 making the Taxachusetts insult obsolete now. It has more culture than the rest of New England, great universities, and an exstensive amount of history.

Massachusetts was the sixth state to join the Union.

by hasafienda January 18, 2005

957πŸ‘ 475πŸ‘Ž


A rap group that consists of Ant and Slug. Slug is the emcee of the group. The group is known for having among the largest female followings in hip-hop.

Though many are big fans of Atmosphere I really don't care that much for their music. Slug is talented but I have always been a bigger supporter of the hardcore and political rap scenes.

by hasafienda January 9, 2005

101πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

Jedi Mind tricks

A dope rap group from Philly. Members now are Vinnie Paz and Stoupe since Jus Allah Left.

Even though I am a Christian and Vinnie Paz can be very anti-Christian at times I still find him dope.

by hasafienda January 9, 2005

516πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž