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French kissing the vertical smile

To French kiss the vertical smile is the act of licking pussy.

Hey, did you check out Stephanie last night ? She was caught French kissing the vertical smile with Amber.

by hawke4me December 10, 2019

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Vagimitis is a disease that affects guys. It is usually brought on by a dude's friends giving him a ration of shit. It usually causes the affected guy to start acting like a pussy ass bitch.

My god, Tommy had a bad case of vagimitis. He acted like he had sand in his vag.

by hawke4me November 11, 2019

Knee game

The act of sucking dick

That Adam is such a queer, but you have to admit that his knee game is on point.

by hawke4me April 21, 2020


A Reltney is when you get an erection so massive, it splits the skin on the tip of your dick.

Every time I see the lady down the street, I end up getting the most painful reltney.

by hawke4me July 18, 2024


A dirty slut who is usually passing one or two STD's to every guy, or gal, who she will gladly and without hesitation, screw for a bag of dope, usually meth or opiates. Most skallywags are well known as the town slut. Most are unwashed and don't care about their reputation.

I see you were with that skallywag Amber last night. Did she need another bag ?

by hawke4me October 12, 2022

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It is when you poop out cum after receiving anal sex, bareback, from another guy. The only thing coming out of your bung hole is cum.

Man, did you see the toilet after Doug was done using it ? He must of got laid because it was full of guyarrhea.

by hawke4me November 23, 2016

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Best tits ever

The best tits to ever be put on a womans chest belong to Jaime. They are BIG, 36DD. This is a woman who is proud of them and loves to show them. When viewing, its best to grab one and give it a squeeze and a lick.

Did you see Jaime's tits ? They are the best tits ever.

by hawke4me May 5, 2024