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Boulder has recently been named the healthiest city in the United States of America. This is because the residents of Boulder, CO realize how lucky they are to be able-bodied humans and take advantage of their youth. Boulder is located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, giving the students a breath-taking view of the famous flatirons.
The University of Colorado at Boulder is known for its prestigious academics and world-famous professors. The students at CU are also well-known for their activism. CU Boulder is the most green college campus in the United States, therefore making this world a better place to live in.
To outsiders (mostly pissed-off Republicans), Boulder appears to be a 'hippie infested' city. It is more important to look at the facts: While the greater population of Boulder regularly smokes marijuana, they are still the most fit and sane people in the US.

Boulder, CO could possibly be the best college campus on the west side of the Mississippi River.
Also, it is important to remember that the University of Colorado at Boulder is the most difficult public college to be accepted into in the state of Colorado. So, when someone disses this beautiful city, it is likely that they were rejected from the University and ended up at CSU or UNC.

Person 1: What's one thing that CU and CSU students have in common?

Person 2: What?

Person 1: They all got accepted to CSU.


Person 1: I am so glad we have CSU...

Person 2: Why?

Person 1: They've been keeping all the ugly girls out of Boulder since 1879!!

by healthyactiveyouth December 3, 2010

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