Source Code


American Rapper


I love Posty man his tracks are sick

by hhhhheman January 24, 2019

17👍 9👎

Cristiano Ronaldo

Probably the best footballer player on the planet at the moment. Needs alot of work to become a great but he has all the right ingredients. Just time will tell now.

Everyone loves to hate him, just because they want someone to blame, or someone to boo or hate. This hate is superficial and I think every true football fan knows Ronaldo is the dog's bollocks. Just takes a real man to admit it.

Fan1: Did you see Cristiano Ronaldo's goal today?

Narrow minded fan: Yeah, that diving cheating portugese scum.

Broad minded fan: Great player that Ronaldo. Love him or hate him

by hhhhheman May 9, 2007

93👍 132👎

unconditional love

100% of love for your lover/ or maybe close member of your family or whatever but most used with a lover.

Regardless of how that person treats you, or what they do to you, you love them no matter what. Your love to them is unconditional. Them people who give Unconditional love are the true heroes in this world.

She treats him like shit but he still loves her as if she's never done anything wrong. Unconditional love

Friend 1: Man, my girlfriend never got me anything but I got her so many gifts.

Friend 2: So what dude? Your love is unconditional. You will get your reward later in life.

by hhhhheman May 16, 2006

519👍 228👎


Smokey is bar none the greatest character in movie history. Chris Tucker plays 'Smokey' in the 1995 classic Friday. If you haven't seen it go watch it.

Smokey: That's alright!!!! Don't worry about what the fuck I be doin!!!!

Smokey: I lef ma key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Smokey: Alwys talkin shiiiiiiiiit

by hhhhheman June 20, 2007

121👍 87👎

always talking shit

Doesn't take einstein to figure this out but Smokey says it in Friday.

When his mum pisses him off, he says it under his breath a couple of times.

Parents: Fucking bastard pillock, do something with your life, find a job or something!!!

Dude: always talking shit

but you say it like Smokey,,,,,ALWAYS TALKIN SHIIIIIIT!

by hhhhheman May 9, 2007

15👍 2👎