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That Girl

n. (usually in reference to a female, however can also be used in the description of a particulary chochy male)
"that girl" is usually found alone amongst a group of guys, clearly reluctant to the idea of her presence, such as the only girl at her boyfriend's poker game, fully knowing that later her boyfriend will have to take shit from his friends for this. "that girl" can also be the girl wearing white at a sorority formal billed "all black." "that girl" will typically order her salad dressing on the side and then send her steak back to be re-grilled. "that girl" usually lacks moral traits such as loyalty, which can in turn lead to multiple and silmultaneous boyfriends, who almost certainly have already slept with their bestfriend. "that girl" is not necessarily a phrase used to describe a slut, however characteristics of "that girl" usually go hand in hand with those of a slut.

"that girl" is typically attracted to, if not dating, a choch.
"that girl" will also resort to such desperate measures as liking her own facebook statuses or comments.

"come on now, don't be 'that girl'"
"dude, your so 'that girl' right now"
"Quit playing dumb, your 'that girl'"
"im not 'that girl' just cuz i have two boyfriends..."
"only 'that girl' would say that"

by hollzbollz October 29, 2010

30👍 30👎


n. a skank with cankles (cankles are legs that are so fat there is no difference between the calf and the ankle hence-->cankles) a skankle can be a whore, hussy, or skank, but with a little more baggage. she might blame this extra weight on children she's had in the past years, but in reality, a skankle's overweightness is largely contributed to depression caused by a man or lack thereof. so really her "baby weight" is nothing more than the heartbreak thus inflicted from being a skankle. a skankle can quite often be a cockblock or cockblocker but is most commonly just a plump version of a skank

Britney Spears is a skankle

by hollzbollz October 29, 2010

5👍 1👎