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The act of blending into one's surrounding so as to not provoke notice from others.

"I can barely remember that girl from last night."
"Yeah, she was pretty dim."

by homegrown1999 June 19, 2009

4👍 7👎

graffiti lay

Having sex with someone who has a lot of tattoos.

"That girl is going to have a graffiti lay tonight. Look at all the tattoos her guy has."

by homegrown1999 July 13, 2009

5👍 1👎


A person of Portuguese and Italian decent. Derived from the slang terms of "porto" for Portuguese and "wop" for Italian.

That's one hell of a portowop

by homegrown1999 July 24, 2009

1👍 7👎

noise aversion

A condition afflicting people who are sensitive to sound. People who suffer from noise aversion become very uncomfortable, physically and/or mentally, when in the vicinity of noise which may be tolerable to the vast majority of others.

"Steve doesn't like going to bars or clubs because he suffers from noise aversion."

by homegrown1999 June 24, 2009