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Japanese girls

For those that can't get white girls.

Do you find yourself too intimated or too geeky to approach attractive white girls? Have you ever tried to talk to and have been rejected by that cute redhead next door, that stunning brunette in history class, or that blonde cheerleader you've always dreamed of? Then worry no more, Japanese girls are here to help you feel lonely no longer! For many years, Japanese girls have provided an alternative way for men to enjoy love and companionship at an easier price. No longer do you have to be that strong quarterback, or that Brad Pitt look-alike just to have those boring doll-faced white girls drooling over you. Countless Japanese girls and most other Asian girls dye their black hair blonde or red and get blue or green eye contacts all the time, which means you get the same qualities you look for in a white girl, but easier. All you have to do to win the hearts of Japanese girls (no matter how nerdy you are) is be either a white guy or a black guy!!!

by honestwhitemanXIII April 13, 2011

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