Source Code

Math Murderer

OMG! The GameFAQs mod that murdered the math. Because of his murder, 1.99~ =/= 2


Math Murderer modded me.

by hooligan333 December 16, 2003

10👍 5👎


1. God's manifestation on the internet
2. An egocentric bastard

1. I worship the web pages that hooligan333 has visited.

2. Man, he's such a hooligan333

by hooligan333 November 1, 2003

5👍 25👎

3rd Base

In dating, the act of oral sex on a woman

Due, I got to 3rd base with my girlfried last night!

by hooligan333 October 6, 2003

172👍 309👎

back lit

Lit from behind

THe GBA's screen was not back lit

by hooligan333 November 15, 2003

2👍 4👎

tucker max drunk

The ultimate state of drunkenness. Once in this stage, a person is either Tucker Max or dead. This state was first achieved by one Tucker Max, and is self-named. Further exploits can be found at www.tuckermax.com

He got Tucker Max drunk and went on a rampage of insults and destruction of furniture.

by hooligan333 November 1, 2003

89👍 59👎


Spanish for 'sugar'

Azucar es muy bueno!

by hooligan333 November 15, 2003

31👍 14👎

hot as hell

Ridiculously warm. 100 degrees F or more

It's hot as hell in florida.

by hooligan333 November 15, 2003

37👍 18👎