Source Code


A killer Pringle can from the Arfenhouse series. Usually let's out a threatening "BUH!" or "BOOF!" and chases people.

"NOT ZO! IT BEZ TEH RUNNIGN OF TEH BUHHAZ!" - Housemaster, Arfenhouse The Movie

by horror_blood October 27, 2003

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

yu yu hakusho

A fighting game in which you use turn taking strategies rather than moving around freely. Obviously based off of an anime.

Since it was in Japanese, I had no idea what I was doing until I hit the ground.

by horror_blood June 30, 2004

22πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


A great movie star. Seems that he'll do good as governer of California. A body builder. He came to the USA with a DREAM. Starred in the Terminator movies as our favorite T-800. If there is a god, this could be a message from him. PS: All you people who don't like Arnie need to shut the fuck up, learn what a good movie is and vote Arnold or I'll kill you!

It's nottah tumah!!!

by horror_blood October 23, 2003

120πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


Assholes who cut up hard worked on movies to make them soft for the American Public they don't even know, considering I was able to handle the Scorpion King just fine when I was twelve. That movie was PG-13!

MPAA: You can't release your movie yet unless we, the MPAA, chop it up and make it less entertaining. Which includes taking out every form of character development. We were offended greatly by it.
ME: Of course, the film was about overcoming racism.

by horror_blood March 4, 2004

305πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


An attack from Arfenhouse that usually belongs to Evil Kitty/Good Kitty.
I guess she hits you really hard or something.

U SUK AMEE!1 I BAT YOU!!!1-Good Kitty, Arfenhouse: the Movie

by horror_blood December 3, 2003

15πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Ichi the killer

Japanese movie. One of the best movies I have ever seen. The boss of the Anjo gang is killed by Ichi, a mentally disturbed killer who kills with foot razors. He is directed to kill "bullies" by an old man known as Jijji. When the boss goes missing, one of the gang members Kakihara, a masochist who liked it when the boss beat him, arranges a search for the boss. Torture and such ensues. Based off of a Manga. Also has an anime. ALso known as Koroshya 1.

I wouldn't reccomend Ichi the Killer to rascists or closed-minded teeny boppers. But I would reccomend it to the smarter people.

by horror_blood June 10, 2004

67πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Probably the best 1st person shooter ever created. Kicks ass. You are a marine on the phobos moon base where everything fucks up and you kill zombies monster demons and shit. The plot was stolen (and some level design) to make Event Horizon. In short, play DooM or people will make fun of you!

Dude, I'm playing DooM on Ultra-Violence!
Cool, did you get the chainsaw yet?

by horror_blood October 23, 2003

407πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž