Source Code

dust off

an areosol can used to clean dust out of keyboards( yea fucking right!) THAT SHIT IS FUCKING AWSOME! IT FUCKS U UP FAST! but its hard to conseal wen u aint got no big ass fuckin bag!

*straight edge #1* wtf r u guys doin?
*huffer#1* gettin fucked up off of dust off biotch!
*huffer#2* *deep ass fuckin voice* oh shit man! dude is that ur mom?
*strt edg#2* can i try?
*both huffers* fuck yea! knock ur self silly!
*strat edge#1* ill give it a try.
*both strate edges* *inhaleing big fuckin hits* OH SHIT OH FUCK GOD DAMNIT MAN THIS SHIT IS DOPE!

by huffer#! November 17, 2007

35👍 48👎