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A woman who is a 4/10 but thinks, because of her surroundings or other factors, thinks she is, in fact, a 9/10.

Dude, girls in San Francisco are generally unattractive which is why there are so many 49ers.

by hwrdprkns September 22, 2014

273👍 40👎


The way British people try to say "Tuna".

1: Dude, why does Gordo say 'Chewna' instead of Tuna
2: Because he's British

by hwrdprkns May 18, 2022


Cock Carousel. Also known as a girl who likes to sleep around.

Leftist jezebel chicks love to ride the cc and just blame us guys for slut shaming.

by hwrdprkns August 7, 2014

144👍 99👎