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There are many different kinds of highs. I am high right now and this high is just from a couple hits out of a piece. A nice relaxing high that is easy to control and easy to get away with. For me the BEST kind of high is when you smoke 5+ bowls and you can't even remember your name, how to write, spell, or anything.

WARNING: Don't smoke too much before school! Or you're screwed. One time I couldn't remember how to write and I couldn't read. I would read a sentence and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember it right after I read it.

Hokay now another high. An amazing high. Shrooms. The best high of my life. I smoked too, though. But about an hour after the shrooms kicked in. For me when I smoked with it I didn't get paranoid at all and it made it a much more relaxing trip! And I wasn't in the best environment either. In fact it was the worst possible environment I could've been in. Srsly. Some catholic girl's birthday party with a bunch of 'straight edge' goodie goodie kids. (I didn't know it was going to be that kind of party)

anyways... yea for shrooms it's a completely different high than from pot. When they first kick in you start 'realizing' everything a lot more. You think about stuff a lot more. And then A LOT more if you smoke too. Seriously my friends called me a philosopher(sp.?) cause I kept on talking about what I was thinking. It was intense stuff, too. So have a pen and paper handy if you do them. Cause i can't remember what I thought of.

Now there's ecstasy. At the moment of the high it is the most AMAZING feeling in the world. You're the happiest you've ever been. You could hug your worst enemy and you could talk for hours on end. And when you smoke it makes it an even stronger high. You're in the best mood of your life and the come down begins to start once you realize that you want to always be that happy. When I'm on the come down I honestly don't know if the trip is worth it. But then the last time I rolled I had the worst come down. The time before that I wasn't that bad. Be with friends if you take E. Music is AMAZING. Oh and you lose your appetite. Even if you smoke too. Plan on being not hungry for a couple of days. Food wont look good. Oh but eat ice cream! It's the one food that I can eat easily after taking E. Maybe a shake would be good. You get really thirsty during the trip. So have water. And try not to grind your teeth too much. I've never had a problem with that, though. Oh and if you have a phone you're probably gonna call or text all of your friends telling them how much you miss them and that you want to hang out with them more. And don't watch a movie or T.V. while on it either. Trust me, just don't.

Of course there are other drugs, but I think those are the ones most commonly done and other stimulants it's pretty much the same as ecstasy, and acid is pretty much the same as shrooms. I like shrooms better. Just sayin. And they all have different varieties of high. And even with smoking weed there are different levels of a high. After smoking a couple times you will realize this. And there are different highs for different kinds of weed/ shrooms/ e. So you could possibly get a different high almost every time you do whatever :

high, i'm sierraaaaaaaaa

by i<3greens April 13, 2008

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