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Mei is smart, funny, beautiful girl. She’s a great friend and probably in the popular group. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. Mei is a loyal friend to those who make her happy, but make one wrong move and you’re done. If you ever meet a Mei, never let her go.

P1: I wished I was Mei
P2: Same, she’s so pretty!

by iAmNotGreenLight February 18, 2020

72👍 10👎


Jenna is the funniest and smartest person you will ever meet. They are always kind and thinking of others. Jenna has the best laugh and never brags about anything. A Jenna will always be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on or help you when your down. A true team player for everyone. If you ever see someone always smiling and making others laugh, their name is probably Jenna. Jenna can also seem very high if you give her enough sugar and about 4 hours of sleep so watch out!

Girl 1: That girl is so funny and has the best laugh

Girl 2: Well yeah, she’s a Jenna

by iAmNotGreenLight February 19, 2020

1👍 2👎