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Crappy Datacommunications for Monopolies and Anti-competitive-corporations is a standard for cellular companies to use that allows them to run a fully legal (in America) monopoly and have complete control over the customer. Most countries banned it, and 90% of the world uses GSM, but in America, 2 of the four major carriers use CDMA (the other two use the world standard, GSM). CDMA works like this, instead of using a SIM card, your account info is physically embedded into the phone, so it can never be removed and thus, the phone cannot be sold or used on another carriers network, nor can you use another CDMA (or GSM) phone on your carriers network if it didn't actually come from your carrier. The purpose? To make you buy a phone from them, usually under contract.

A GSM phone can be used on any network worldwide simply by popping a little plastic card into the handset, a CDMA phone is limited to one carrier and sometimes to one person, and has very very little roaming capabilities worldwide. For example, it is impossible to use a CDMA phone in Europe, you will get no bars at all, since no CDMA networks exist there.

by iBoy2G August 19, 2010

18👍 12👎


Getting or giving a rimjob on an airplane.

After the plane took off me and my boyfriend went to the lavatory and gave each other skyrims.

by iBoy2G January 16, 2023


Another name for your stomach.

After the corrupt cop shot him in his oop, he bled out and died on the dispensary floor.

by iBoy2G July 20, 2018


The electronic tampon (commonly referred to as an iPad) is a very crappy sanitary napkin for women with web browsing capabilities. The tampon should not be confused with a real computer, as computers actually have a keyboard, an x86 or x86_64 processor and upgradability.

The tampon is designed specifically for two kinds of women, poor ones and stupid ones. The poor ones buy the tampon because they cannot afford a real computer, the stupid ones buy the tampon because they either don't know how to use a real computer or mistake the tampon for a real computer.

The tampon is a plague among us and must be stopped. The tampon is taking away marketshare from real computers including Apple's Mac's. The tampon is destroying the computer industry and hurting software developers like myself who choose to develop for COMPUTERS, NOT TOYS.

The tampon does have one good use, as a woman's sanitary napkin.

Julian from Family Guy no doubt owns an iPad.

by iBoy2G October 5, 2012

1👍 6👎


Another name for the human leg. Derived from the famous Ooplegger, who has both an oop and two leggers.

A drug addicted hobo named Mike cut off his own legger with a hacksaw so he could get opioids from the hospital.

by iBoy2G July 20, 2018


A person who claims to be Independent, but always votes for Republican candidates no matter what.

90% of Independents in Florida are Indepublicans, which is why extreme right wing politicians currently control all state offices.

by iBoy2G August 27, 2013


A word used by snowflakes to show their fragile little ego was offended rather than using the more appropriate crying emoji!

Omg there’s a gay couple in that game it’s so woke I can’t take it wah wah wah help me Jesus!!!!

by iBoy2G October 18, 2021

5👍 9👎