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The online game that contains two types of people:

1: Lonely people who either get bullied or just cannot make friends who play it to find friends and have fun.

2: Eight year olds who want to go play Adopt Me and get their first boner.

I played ROBLOX for ten hours yesterday.

by iTookAHarSHIT September 3, 2020

Funnel Vision

A youtube channel whose fan base consists of lonely five year olds, and whose cast consists of bratty, spoiled teens who literally get everything they want, and date multiple people at once.

funnel vision omgggg I date them

wait I do too


by iTookAHarSHIT September 4, 2020


A term that southerners use to refer to "Chicken"

What a nice cock

by iTookAHarSHIT September 4, 2020


The absolute worst network known to man. They lure you in with their cheap deals and claim that they are the "leader in 5G" but in reality, they are run by the demons of hell and they want to trap you for life.

Satan: Hmm, what should we call it?
Demon King: Maybe T-Mobile, because T can mean trash and mobile can be the thing that we screw up.

by iTookAHarSHIT July 28, 2021

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Wishing Well

A plea for help made by Juice WRLD before he passed in this verklempt, beautiful, piece of artwork in his posthumous album, Legends Never Die.

I tossed my pain with my wishes in a Wishing Well

by iTookAHarSHIT September 4, 2020

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Root Beer

the only beer that people under 21 can have at a party

Me and the boys got drunk on root beer last night

by iTookAHarSHIT September 4, 2020


A stupid bitch who obsesses over Snapchat stories and Chipotle. All girls are the type of people to get into drama over nothing because that's just what females do. They are the type of people to be giggling and talking loudly on the bus about Snapchat stories when it's 7:30 AM and no one has energy for their bullshit. They are also all freeloaders using daddy's money and they probably go to Ulta and Starbucks every day but still have mental breakdowns about how hard life is every now and then.

All girls are the same. -Juice WRLD

by iTookAHarSHIT September 28, 2021