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Bonability is the amount someone would like to 'bone' someone. usually on a scale of 1-10. 1 being not at all, 5 being 'eh maybe', 10 being absolutly or 'over and over'

person 1: she scores very high on the bonability scale...she scores a good 9.
person 2: i disagree, although she is a very attractive woman, i do not like her personality
person 1: what a weenie! on the bonability scale you dont consider personality...only looks!
person 2: oh now i understand! thanks person 1!

by iabr February 29, 2008

10👍 2👎

anal raping beauty

A phrase you shout when playing an intense video game with close friends.

(i.e. playing 'Shipment' level on Call Of Duty 4 on old school mode with one close friend)

person 1: where'd you go...where are you...
person 2: right here!
person 1: Anal Raping Beauty! you shot me!
person 2: i sure did...

another commonly used phrase is "lucious monkey balls"

by iabr February 29, 2008

2👍 33👎