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spatially challenged

A phrase to call someone fat.

To be so large that you have trouble finding space to fit into.

Darren: Yo dawg, do you think Nicole can fit in that mutha fucka?

Hari: You bring up a capital point Darren, we all know that she is spatially challenged, she may indeed find it difficult to fit in that bus.

by iccthedral August 29, 2008

38πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


unferrously: (un-Γ‹Βˆfer-əs-ly) adverb

Unferrously means saying something sans irony or without iron-y (without iron or ferrous)

It's usually used to describe something that would be contrary to the popular belief or to indicate that the speaker is stating exactly what they mean, without sarcasm or irony.

It has been used in popular message boards to replace unironically, which is also not an actual word defined in the dictionary

I never expected it, but Top golf was unferrously great! I loved the atmosphere and had lots of fun!

by iccthedral August 15, 2021


bla (noun): bùh-laã

An all encompassing term of endearment which does not subscribe to the ideas of any existing terms used in addressing a fellow individual.

The term will always remain free of any pre conceived notions or ideas as it is only meant to be a respectful way of addressing anyone.

The term has been popularized by anonymous individual(s) on public Mongolian basketweaving forums and have been used interchangeably for terms such as brother, bra, bro, lad, and la.

kek, wtf bla?! you don't like DS9??! the utter STATE of you!

hey bla, you feel like Netflix and chill tonight?

BLAAA! check it out, DUBS!!

by iccthedral October 12, 2018

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Word: Tabla
Part of Speech: Noun
Pronunciation: /Γ‹Βˆtɑ blə/


(Informal, Slang) A term used to express gratitude or thanks, especially among friends or close acquaintances, derived from the combination of two words:
"Ta" (noun, colloquial): A shortened form of "thanks," indicating appreciation or acknowledgment.
"Bla" (noun, slang): A colloquial term meaning "brother lad," used to address a close male friend or acquaintance.

Note: "Tabla" is an invented word and not widely recognized in standard English. Its usage is limited to informal and colloquial contexts, primarily among specific groups or individuals who are familiar with the slang terms "ta" and "bla."

"Hey, tabla for helping me out with that project!"
"Tabla, mate! You really came through for me."

by iccthedral July 1, 2023

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


yamagucci (adjective) : yuhm-uh-goo-chi

Beyond cool, beyond gucci, yamagucci is a state that transcends cool.

Popularized in anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forums, this term is often used as a greeting.

y'all stayin yamagucci, bla

alri, gotta go and get some of that OT, y'all stay yamagucci !

by iccthedral October 21, 2018

28πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž





To provide tutelage over Twitter

Commonly found in tweets among traders, where professional traders tweet advice/tips to aspiring traders

Twitter Feed:

Professional_Trader777: Looks like we may test that level on the way up

Aspiring_Trader69: @Professional_Trader777 Gee, thanks for the tweetelage mister.

by iccthedral October 9, 2010

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