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"Otakukin" are somewhat like otherkin. Otherkin believe that they are the spiritual reincarnation of an animal or mythical being, but the difference between otherkin and otakukin is that otakukin believe they are the spiritual reincarnation, or that they have the spirit, of an anime character. Hated on by many inconsiderate rude people for no reason at all, sadly.

Dude guy 1: Hey man what do you think is your reincarnation/spirit?
Dude guy 2: Well, I think I have the spirit of Otonashi..
Dude guy 1: What do you mean? What or who is Otonashi?
Dude guy 2: Otonashi is a character in an anime.
Dude guy 1: I meant reincarnation or spirit of an animal etc...
Dude guy 2: Otakukin is what they call people who think they have the same spirit as an anime character.
Dude guy 1: Ohhh. That's really.. weird.. as fuck.

by iiToxicMinded June 7, 2016

12πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A British/Irish way of saying the S word, or sh*t, is more of a "censoring," kind of.

It is becoming more common, as well.

Pronunciation: Sh - ITE. (ITE example: KryptonITE)

"Mate, I just took the BIGGEST shite of my LIFE today!"

by iiToxicMinded October 15, 2015

urban dictionary

A website used to find the definitions/meanings of mostly internet slang.
Usually filled with opinionated people, judgmental people, kids, rude people, inconsiderate people, and has barely an amount of intelligent people.

Dude: WTF does "OTP" mean?
Dude 2: Go to urban dictionary. OTP is internet slang and urban dictionary is the king of internet slang definitions.
Dude: Thanks?

by iiToxicMinded May 5, 2016

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


n, adj.
adjective: to be furry
noun: A fandom in which many people partake in activities such as creating OCs(original characters), fursuiting, and creating art. A furry is by the most common definition, an anthropomorhic animal, or someone who is a fan of anthropomorphic animals
Some furries even go as far as saying you need to partake in fursuiting or making art to be a furry, but every furry will have different opinions.
Most people who hate furries are often people who have not been exposed to the entire fandom yet. Most furry haters will stereotype them as animal-fuckers.

The most common furries are the ones that will view the art and the ones who create the art.

The second most common type of furries are the ones who make art.
Fursuiters are furries who dress up in fursuits depicting anthropomorphic animals. Fursuiters most often go to furry conventions and make animal noises, hug people, and sell merch.

Pornography featuring, but not limited to, anthros.
Young Incredibly Fuckable Furry
Not limited to young. In fact, most characters in yiff are over the age of 18.
A yiffer is someone who views or creates furry porn, basically.

That wraps it up! Hopefully, those who read this that are(n't)furries learned something from it.

Guy 1: Dude wanna go watch a movie tonight?
Furry: Nah man, I'm almost finished with my OC.
Guy 1: You're such a furry, man. You need to find more stuff to do.

by iiToxicMinded September 6, 2016

20πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž



A weeaboo is a person who is normally obsessed with the Anime / Manga / Japanese culture.
Basically an extreme version of an Otaku.
Nearly all weeaboos are looked down upon, even if they shouldn't.
Some can be overly obsessed and annoying. (Ones that talk about anime all the time.)
Others can be kind and not so annoying, but still obsessed with Japanese things.

Some people associate them with homosexuals/gays/faggots, but most aren't homosexual.
Weeaboos commonly try as hard as they can to be like a Japanese person.
IE: Speak Japanese, Do Japanese Things, Eat Japanese Food, etc.

Weeaboo: *practicing and failing Japanese* UGH I CAN'T GET THIS WORD RIGHT *raging in Japanese* I'll just go listen to some anime music. *says curse word in Japanese*

by iiToxicMinded October 20, 2015

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Dandere, oftenly confused with kuudere, is a common anime trope used to describe people who are often quiet and extremely shy towards people they like. Despite this, once they do start to conversate (usually awkwardly) with the one they admire, they become more open and less shy.
The reason this is confused with the definition kuudere is because both tropes hardly talk, and occasionally show their more open side. A kuudere is someone who is often emotionless and clueless, but will sometimes show their loving and kind/sympathetic side.

A character that is a dandere: Hinata Hyuga from Naruto.
A character that is a kuudere, not a dandere: Kanade Tachibana from Angel Beats!

dude: "ahahaa, *insert name here* is such a dandere. she hardly talks but she's for some reason really nice and open to me. rarely, though."

dude 2: "man, you are so lucky."

by iiToxicMinded November 28, 2016

277πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


"Anime" is a Japanese style of cartoons and animations made in Japan and Japan only. Any animating of the same style in different countries is not anime.

In Japan, anime is also associated with manga.

Many manga have been remade in the anime form, such as Bleach, Attack On Titan and One Piece, just to name a few.
Many people are huge fans of anime. Most of these fans like to call themselves an otaku.
Just like the word money, anime has no plural with an 's'.

A 'weeaboo' is a negative term that is also associated with anime and the Japanese fandom.

Many close minded people think anime is either something for kids only or for perverted horny people who masturbate to it. Which is obviously not true.
Only about 80 to 90% of anime/manga is perverted. And about 30-40% is for younger audiences.
Hentai, or ecchi are two types of perverted anime along with harem.

Guy: "Anime is kind of boring...."

Girl 1 and 2: *they yell* "ANIME IS AWESOME, YOU %$@!^"
Guy: "Okay, okay! Jeez. It's just anime."

by iiToxicMinded October 31, 2015

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