Source Code

Don't Go There

Associated Content's TOS rule where articles are warned not to employ wolf ticket taunts containing double homicide profanity, ethnic slur laced expose' and other things as Rational Wiki would coined "pissed at us" responses. These are akin to slash fanfiction writers or real person fiction of the slash variety. Ao3 got pissed at me over the 'peter puffer' response to those who write real person fiction.

One of the articles I had the wham line, "Every religion has its douchebag" as the publisher I took aim at got pissed and thrown every Italian slur at me one could think of in one single paragraph. "You motherfucking dego, greaseball wop with your wolf ticket wham line," as I even took one last poke at Fandom Wank as they linked my Associated Content profile at the time. Mindset commented on piss blogger The Rusty Nail demanding her name was removed. Associated Content closed my presence over the employment of multiple wham lines in articles as I took aim at LiveJournal user RockCandy76 over pirating my memoir as I outed him as a Wal-mart cashier. Though some of my part-time writers have worked in Wal-mart as I found a story on FictionPress called "Babies Come From Wal-Mart" with wham lines that rival The Fandom Writer.

Someone on Associated Content seeing "The Hive Mind" article --"shit he was trying to see how much he can cross the line with the double homicide wham lines in a single article. It's noted as being the first time he took aim at SomethingAwful for lifting his work and trying to turn his main character from Spectral Exile into a leatherman fag. He caught one of the blogtroll twins from Diary-X trying to do a shitty emo poem from his extremely hard true crime yarn. He's pissed. "

bugchaser gossip blogger and The Rusty Nail, "Let's screen cap this asshole wop's dribble and fuck him out of his royalties." Poppy Z. Brite when she saw him on Associated Content was pissed over his rapid barrage of wham line remarks. He crossed the line because he defied the "Don't Go There Rule."

by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018

Drug Charge

In Iowa -- this is prison slang for Child molestation as that's what police often use as code for a chomo. Another term for a nonce or diaper-sniper, diddler, Sandusky. Duggar, or Fogle.

Victor Salva in Iowa if he was convicted after filming Clownhouse would be dragged from a sandbox hence the term "Drug Charge."

by illinoishorrorman February 17, 2018

The P 'o D

What the readers affectionately called The Pattern of Diagnosis from The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five (current ISBN: 978-1-944171-38-4) and Dark Gothic Resurrected: Autumn 2007. Written on Thanxgiving weekend 2006 it became the creative nonfiction outing that's one of the most enduring of the creative nonfiction output of the owner of the light blue blog. It's known as the story Something Awful ganked in 2015-2016 as the factions said nothing about the incident -- dismissing it as a prank.

It's the story that got the roster rounding out Issue Five as it's on a place called TheBookPatch and pinterest pinned. The cover artist was an art student as it rivaled Van Gough with the cover art of this. It plays up in Oak Lawn, Illinois where Luke 10:25-37 plays up in front of the namesake's hospital in 2006. The powerful piece clocks in at 5683 words and held its own with a Pulitzer Award winning journalist who became a TOC mate from the era. The story was written after Harry Potter and The Eagle of Truthiness. It's longer than the jesus-is-saviour website founder's screed against Rod Serling.

Those who read The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five might not realize the story known by readers as The P 'o D also known as the narrative, The Pattern Of Diagnosis. The outing had been discussed on Quora about "what's the most powerful work of literature one's written."

He discusses this both on the site and on youtube on Christmas Eve 2007.

It attributes to two of his friends and a conversation on the phone with his late relatives at the time in 2006. Both publications of the story are in circulation as it was taken further on Wordpress and Tumblr taking the reader further into the story 8 years later. It could been easy something for Unshackled if it didn't have the instrumental use of strong language. The one piece that would piss off Moral Guardians because of the varied use of profanity throughout. He explains in Quora a story like that is not always about the altar call.

by illinoishorrorman July 31, 2018

3👍 11👎

Illicit lit

A creative nonfiction writer's term for those who are fanfiction writers who get celebrated and urinate on those in original fiction trying to gain a readership or those who had introduced creative nonfiction to indie publications. It's up there with busting a fabulist or authors who get their journalistic sources from Fandom_Wank.

The Queen of Gargoyle Fanfic had been producing illicit lit since the mid-1990s. Along with her peetards shit on a piece that made waves since 2002 that's the creative nonfiction successor to The Tell-Tale Heart.

by illinoishorrorman January 15, 2018

The Rusty Nail

A shitty gossip blog that invades the privacy of writers in the small press. Goes around violating the privacy of writers on facebook by making their private facebook postings public. One of the many shit bloggers out there thinking they're famous because they hammer on people who don't deserve it.

The Rusty Nail emerged when she decided to stalk a certain author's Xanga blog, she got five of the writers blogs pulled when the writer had a video blog revealing who she is.

by illinoishorrorman November 4, 2010


WritersCafe.org is a website which is the myspace for writers as it has a wide array of writers ranging from horror and urban fantasy to other forms; the demographic is usually mid-to-late teens but sometimes you see a few who appeared in their late 20s into 50s. It's noted for bringing family_saga and metafiction into the public eye. Recently the expose of Kealan Patrick Burke appeared as it was pulled from Wattpad because one of the subjects were not pleased -- the piece in question is called "Boycotting Truth."

WritersCafe is a curiosity in some ways when you see writers who emerge from there. Most noted was introduced in an anthology where the editor's name is in the title designed for the editor's own short story that was published in the UK as the title of the story that emerged from WritersCafe is titled "Scarlet Frost." The editor of that anthology is responsible for The Cabbie Homicide.

by illinoishorrorman January 14, 2018

Thing That One Finds

A science fiction story appearing on Apr 13, 2015 based on the exchanges with Uneducated Huckster and Fucking Cartoon. Their followers were using articles from the moron magnet and the Piss Drinking Bastard to refute the publisher of The Ethereal Gazette as Cradle of Filth's social network got a ringside seat at the controversy he invoked engaging the Uneducated Huskster. It made it's emergence on FictionPress.com with a low key word of mouth as it was trolled by factions in the industry using the author's respective screen names over the years. It's noted for using a thesis that picked apart "Dr." Kent Hovind's pseudo-academia as it revisits the first science fiction short story in passing as noted it also cited the Forbes article on "Dr." Kent Hovind.

The short story, The Thing That One Finds, is often mistaken for Real Person Fiction in a fanfiction sense when it's written in a vein similar to The Onion or The Babylon Bee but based on actual research from the findings he did about Hovind and the reverse research of his first science fiction outing also on FictionPress.com. It's based on his retorts of the Young Earth Creationists as they were pissed he revealed he's a Theistic Evolutionist as he was quiet about having an old earth view as a teenager.

by illinoishorrorman February 12, 2018