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Go Clone Yourself

So you can go fuck youself.

In an e-mail I had spoke to a contributor where I made a track to a troll "Go Clone Yourself.... so you can go fuck yourself" she started howling at that remark. I seen an author do a photo where he did a photo like this as I was trying not to make the joke then someone did a photo of Kayne West as I was going "Damn it -- that was my joke." Oh well they took the crack and ran with it.

by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018

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The program that is a total nightmare to Lulu.com and CreateSpace in the right hands, effectively moving into TheBookPatch.com and Blurb.com with the pdfs that were used on both sites in some cases. This program: Portable Document File Split And Merge. (Not personal data file, get it together as you cannot tell the two apart. No wonder you're a damn janitor at McDonald's at 30.)

Well anyway check them out as one may never know they'd come in handy. This website is free and do a Bing search as they've been around awhile. The program was invented and launched into freeware the moment he created this, as this according to the website was existing since 2006. More so since Open Office been more visible a year prior.

TBN was discussing entering the publishing arena and two were talking about the said place and then this place was tagged this is a noun and a verb -- the act of doing a PDFSAM is taking apart with the program it's named from and became a nightmare for the two major free players in at no-setup fee publishing on demand when their long runner learned how to splice and take apart his Portable Document Files with this when he got his files back from Lulu.com, The Ethereal Gazette: Issue Five still remains in circulation because of this program. The invention which the date unknown though said early 2000s it emerged. In turn, they changed how places went through the big two and went for the new players.

by illinoishorrorman March 14, 2019


An elaborate fuck you when journalists put a beat down on a subject freight-trained is when you have an expose with abrasive language were it has the wolf ticket moments. The anger comes out when you catch someone editing your wordpress comments to make them look like a fucking suckup when in truth you did a really crushing comeback. (I.E. Mary Sangiovanni with her infamous "decades of therapy" tirade and the "I am sure she's just being nice" as she dissed a far-off friendship.)

Some of the responses have a lot of innuendo to pointing out that her entire hometown are village idiots that never seen controversy before, calling one a racist in a multi-cultural 20th Century village is asking for a witch hunt on par to the Salem Witch Trials. Pointing out to Kealan Patrick Burke how he introduced a cussing dog trope when one wrote a much harder story that was backed up by articles in Chicago Tribune spoke of the subject as well. It's also known as the takedown piece in journalism. Using this to invoke Hostile Editing to Archive of our Own's Fanlore when one had pointed out facts about some of the guilty parties of Fandom_Wank when the vlog entry appeared that was the set up for the most notorious horror story to appear in 2011 which was published in Emanations. The book I Fired God is an expose of Fundie and places Duggar on the spot.

The expose "Boycotting Truth" rebukes not only Kealan Patrick Burke but also those who ignore the contributions the author did introducing creative nonfiction to the independent press as he got published for this. He caught SomethingAwful lifting his material and one of them turned out to be a fan of Kealan's as well as a mutual follower, as his other fans called him a retard. The piece points out he told the truth about Burke and his fans got their journalistic sources about the writer on Encyclopedia Dramatica.

by illinoishorrorman March 22, 2018

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Encyclopedia Dramatica

Pseudo-journalistic troll website where they faithfully follow the fannish fabulist The Rusty Nail aka the assumed name of Russel Nayle on Associated Content and on Christine Morgan's so called projects that lifted my first science fiction outing. They reported some on Lostprophets lead singer convicted of baby-fuck. They're not too fond of me going back to the days of LJDrama as I took aim at them in An Eye In Shadows though this current incarnation of the piece of shit turned on it's creator, Sherrod DeGrippo aka Sherrod DeHippo to those who caught the libel queen in the act.

They lifted my then Xanga blog at the time as they were updated as I laid into my former boss when they kicked me off as I got my full catalog back at the time An Eye In Shadows fires into them as I fired into Mindset of Fandom Wank as they got their sources from this website. In the piece Bully: A Study I point out that S. E. Cox got her sources from the fucks at Fandom Wank. They're tabloid journalistic rejects who don't do their fucking homework as many in the industry took aim at me based on the information this bullshit website provided as one of the admins of Vampirefreaks also took aim at them.

I thought they were rough on me; Goddamn the pseudojournalists at Encyclopedia Dramatica took collective aim at Ian Watkins of Lostprophets as my friends from Novembers Doom had a priceless hashtag when Blabbermouth reported on them via facebook.

by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018

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Anderson Cooper

See Globalist Shill and pseudojournalistic donut-puncher. Reality TV host with no journalistic training who like the writer of The Cabbie Homicide had got in the field and developed a form of journalism but the writer of Cabbie is the Conservative example. He had some college but learned from his roster where three wrote for newspapers and another later The Huffington Post before running for office in Maine as he established his current incarnation of wordpress and got on tumblr he gives in depth insight about publications he's done and takes the readers further into the published work by finding the articles from the era.

Anderson Cooper had been a hatedom to those in underground subcultures since picking on Dave Mustaine and William Patrick Corgan. When Corgan let Cooper have it with globalist shill the media had a field day with Anderson Cooper.

by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018

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Genetic Attraction

When someone takes "go fuck your mother" as literal. Do a bing of this and you might think twice about your 'grosser than gross' jokes as I heard them in 6th grade, An Eye In Shadows implied the grosser than gross cracks to a darker degree as I had implied genetic attraction as an insult. See the thing about "German Siblings Having Four Kids" talk about V. C. Andrews output as creative nonfiction. Dailymail did a piece about a mother doing the nasty with her own son on tape; don't say I warned you if you look this up as I did a pinterest of the article with the hashtag #EEWWWW. In 2003 The Guardian did a piece on the bizarre phenomenon.

Reagan M. of therichest dot com did a list on this weird genetic attraction shit; talk about Flowers in the Attic being creative nonfiction there. V. C. Andrews would be rolling in her grave as these jokers where taking the rule34 implications between brother and sister literally, as I had implied insults at detractors, "you have better luck getting your own mother pregnant." This is under the hashtag on twitter known as puke worthy.

by illinoishorrorman May 5, 2018


Don't call College of DuPage Public Safety this because the campus is big enough to require it's own police force. Wheaton College public safety are known as the equal to a mall cop as they have no firearms. College of DuPage Police are often driving in marked police cars as they're fully armed and trained on the Off Campus Center across the building. They don't call College of DuPage the college of law enforcement for nothing. They were teaching them how to handle cybercrime in 1997, and the webmasters were training them how to bust pedophiles aka Perverted Justice .

The Public Safety at College of DuPage will joke with you but what ever you do, don't call them a rent-a-badge because they will nail you for slandering a police officer. Wheaton College on the other hand, call them what you want over the events of the Hijab Affair They have a fully functioning Police Department and often carrying a glock for their sidearm choice. According to Wikipedia Public Safety at College of DuPage are known as Campus Police.

by illinoishorrorman August 22, 2018