Source Code

i'm out

means you don't care anymore and you will stop doing whatever u were doing

"I can't hold it anymore, I'm out"

by im_0ut March 4, 2021

16👍 2👎

frank ocean

a phantom. an illusion. a thought.

x: "I saw Frank Ocean"
y: "did u sleep well? , it might me an illusion, rest"
x:"bro i-"

by im_0ut March 4, 2021

46👍 2👎

mac miller

1. a literally angel
2. a guy that had a beautiful smile
3. he liked kool aid and frozen pizza !!

x: "do u know Mac Miller?"
y. "Man, I died the day he did"

by im_0ut March 4, 2021

73👍 4👎