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Dissever is a different kind of rock/metal band out of Homestead FL. Originally formed by brothers Brian and Billy Jenkins, the band spent years trying out different vocalist, bassists, and guitarists before solidifying themselves as a four piece with Anthony Beaulieu on bass and Eddy Torres on vocals. Combining elements of classic rock, metal, industrial sounds, inventive song structures, and technicality. The band prides themselves on writing music they want to hear and what they feel works-instead of following the pack-allowing each song to have its own unique sound and style.

"What are you listening to?"
"The new Dissever EP."

by instrumentoffear June 9, 2009

37πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


When Brian makes your beverage and your intended level of intoxication is about a four billion on a sliding scale from one to ten...

"Hey, how was work?"
"It was rough."
"Want to get brianized?"
"Hell yeah."

by instrumentoffear June 9, 2009

44πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A word commonly known in the food service industry by servers who frequently enter and exit the kitchen with their hands full. Servers call out "Corner" as they approach the entryway to and from the kitchen when they have trays, glassware and/or plates in their hands. The purpose of this is to warn anyone who may be approaching from the other direction, unseen by the person calling out "Corner" and thus avoiding a collision and the subsequential spill of aforementioned plates/glassware. Servers new to the industry usually find themselves saying "Corner" out of work when they approach a corner, and it is cause for much laughter and embarrassment.

Thanks for not calling corner, now I have to remake all of these drinks, you asswipe!

by instrumentoffear May 8, 2009

123πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


When you are drunk to the point that people are going to have to explain to you what is going on right now when you see them next.

How can you drink so much vodka and not pass out?

I don't know, but I'm freaking anihilasted!

by instrumentoffear May 15, 2009

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The act of taking a relationship with a male friend to the next level. This can be something as trivial as adding a friend to your buddy list on AIM once you realize that you actually give a crap about talking to him. This could also be something as significant as giving your bro an actual promotion on the job front.

How'd you get that KM position?

Well the GM, Mark, is my boy, he gave me a bromotion.

Why is Kyle on your buddy list Cesar?

He says some pretty cool shit so I gave him a bromotion.

by instrumentoffear May 19, 2009

61πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Art of Kyle Willis

A multi-talented, self-taught, motivated freelance artist from South Florida who specializes in portraits in ball point pen.

Where did you get that print of Hunter S. Thompson?!

I bought it online from Art of Kyle Willis

by instrumentoffear November 9, 2011

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A language of hyperbolic simile that white males use amongst one another. Most words are created on a whim, yet so obvious in intended meaning that it is unnecessary to ask their interpretation.

What are you, petarded?!

Cesar, I think YOU'RE petarded, for combining pretty and retarded to make up your own word!

It's brobonics dude, get with the program!

by instrumentoffear May 19, 2009

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž