Source Code


Used in response to a blatant lie, stupid suggestion etc, to indicate that you think that the last comment was stupid. Usually disguised as a cough.

"I know! Let's *duct tape* it to the wall!"
"Ithinknot, chump."

by irrelevant March 9, 2005

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


getting it on!

i adore a good scrump in the morning...

by irrelevant September 14, 2003

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"is your friend" - a generalisation of GIYF. Follows the name of a source of information whenever Google would not actually help.

"WTF does 'IYF' mean?"
"Urban Dictionary IYF!"
"...STFU too."

by irrelevant March 9, 2005

Chopper 4

A flying device with airborne capabilities, seats, and a self-propelling propeller.

Chopper Four just went down in the Hudson River...and Chopper Four was FIRST ON THE SCENE! Coincidence? Ch-ch-ch-chopper Four.

by irrelevant October 26, 2003

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


"An addiction"
SW (street wise): " B-FAST " as in " I am a breakfast addict, I want to score some breakfast. I am B-fast "
ANYONE ELSE (AE) : a problem (i like BREAKFAST)

" snow, forget it . . . . i want breakfast, i'll put it in my stash "

by irrelevant November 3, 2003

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1. The two term mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, known for initiating the Green Belt plan and being a decent Democrat.

2. A game played the same way as safety, except using the word Hieftje (pronounced, incorrectly, as "heft-jee," or alternatively, "hefj") instead of safety.

1: *poot* Heft-jee!
2: Nice save. *poot* Hefj!
1: Gross dude.
2: Holler.

by irrelevant March 14, 2005

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

smart rock

Rock music with high-brow lyrics. Usually alternative-sounding, and bizarre to people who don't get the references (often political, philosophical, scientific, or to other smart rock).

Dude, check out my smartrock collection. I got They Might Be Giants, Barenaked Ladies...

by irrelevant January 30, 2005

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž