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Hannah is probably one of the nicest yet meanest people you’ll meet. You think she’s joking when she says she’ll kick your a** but she will actually leave you on the ground injured. She also thinks she’s cool but clearly just needs to keep that to herself and vent to her friends. She also has some good taste in music. Lacks some though

There’s Hannah. She will end you if you talk bad about her.

by itsjesuschrist569 April 30, 2019

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Someone who is very Asian. He often likes to buy shoes every week because he's rich. He shoots not so cool and everyone says he isn't good at shooting. e likes being Sam's sidekick too. So yeah he is actually Asian way too much and Asians shouldn't play basketball.

Eww, Kevin is with sam again and I saw that coming.

by itsjesuschrist569 May 1, 2019


Camilla is a pretty cool person. Again like most people I know, bad at soccer. Wait, horrible. You know Alana dos Santos Aveiro, Cristiano Ronaldo’s inexperienced 1 year old? Better than Camilla. Camilla also has a very bad Instagram page, tryhard at its finest. If you see a Camilla, say hi to be nice, then run away.

Camilla is chill, but she’s a tad weird

by itsjesuschrist569 April 30, 2019


Someone who is your friend; a word used by Australians as well

Person 1: Hey Carl, what's up?

Person 2: Hey! Not much mate, it's been kind of boring lately

by itsjesuschrist569 March 4, 2019


Logan is probably one of the strangest kids in the grade. He watches some extremely weird things, and likes to fart excessively in class, which is bothersome, yet funny. He also has the worst hairline (excluding Esteban’s) and is annoying sometimes. He also has a VERY interesting camera roll. :/

Person 1: ugh! it smells in here!
Person 2: it’s probably because of Logan and his farts

by itsjesuschrist569 May 1, 2019

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Olivia is the type of kid who has no social life and only likes to read books. She also studies WAY too much, which just proves my previous statement even more. She has really red cheeks which can be cute, but look like tomatoes half the time. She brings good snacks to school though. Unfortunately she can’t beat Joseph in a race though 🤷 ♀️

Ugh. It’s Olivia. You better run away befor she sulks and weeps to you about the death of a book character.

by itsjesuschrist569 April 30, 2019

4👍 1👎


Anna is a really quiet person. She can be nice, but only if you don’t make fun of her. She makes weird faces when you say something she doesn’t get or that’s stupid, and sometimes looks like she’s constipated. She also likes to do TikToks as well, which is a bit sad.

There’s Anna, she’s quiet, so she won’t bother you much

by itsjesuschrist569 April 30, 2019

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