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Cello Competition

A slang term for a contest in which two or more men line up and take their pants off in an attempt to measure who has the longer penis.

John pulled his pants down and challenged Bob to a cello competition.

by itssojoever June 29, 2021

flint michigan water pipe

A variant of the gas pipe maneuver where instead of farting, the person shoots out diarrhea. Named for the town of Flint, Michigan, where the water is notoriously dirty.

Oliver got a flint michigan water pipe from his girlfriend last night.

by itssojoever May 2, 2024


A mathematical unit representing 10 gigabytes of child pornography. Named in honor of former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle.

We found Ben with 5 Fogles.

by itssojoever October 19, 2021

5👍 1👎