Source Code


an ePerson named Jawn. He plays Counter-Strike and is CAL-Invite


by jAwN January 16, 2004

12πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

fart cloud

an insult, interchangable with douche-bag or shit-head

if a guy was being an ass you'd say "hey, man, stop being such a fart cloud"

by jAwN September 29, 2003

9πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


An element of the Hip Hop culture misinterpreted and misrepresented by the mainstream media, and most especially hated by affluent (usually white) businessmen who don't understand the roots or meaning of the writing on the walls.

Contrary to popular belief, Graff is NOT any of the following: writing on houses of worship, people's houses in general, other writer's names, or tombstones. The aforementioned need not be identified with bus, train, subway and wall burners. That's REAL graffiti, the visual aspect of Hip Hop accompanied by the physical (breakdance), verbal (emceeing), and rhythmic (turntablism).

Since Graffiti is an element in Hip Hop just as important as DJing, MCing and Breaking, any assault on Graffiti (i.e., calling it "vandalism", "not art", etc.) should be viewed as an assault on Hip Hop altogether.

From the beginning, the powers that be have sought afte the destruction of our culture, from transit authorities chasing after writers, to housing police harassing people at block parties, to lawsuits being filed against DJs for sampling ("copyrighted" material). Now it may seem like everything is okay since Rap has hit the mainstream, but the major corporations threaten its existence every day. Remember the last Rap video you saw on TV. Did you see any tags, any DJs working the wheels of steel, any B-Boys tearing up the floor, any MCs really rocking the party? Or was it just images of scantily clad females, guys flashing their "bling", and "gangstas" shooting their guns off? Chances are it was the latter, the money-making gimmick that corporations such as MTV make money off of today.

These very same corporations, usually headed by conservative individuals who "care" about their buildings, are the organisations which lobby for tighter anti-graffiti laws. So it may seem that "Hip Hop" is all well with mainstream America, but they're actually destroying us from within, in more than one way.

Long live Graffiti!

by jAwN June 30, 2004

2069πŸ‘ 1025πŸ‘Ž

jiggle it

An alternative to the original idea for "Gigli", proposed by Chris Rock. Instead of having J-Lo and Ben Affleck act like reatards for two freaking hours, it would consist entirely of J-Lo jiggling her ass the whole time. At least then it would be boner inducing.

Why waste time trying to make sense of "Gigli"? Why not just plain old "jiggle it"!

by jAwN July 5, 2004

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

world's best rappers list

All your lists are so damn wrong! It's like this, y'all --

15. Killah Priest
14. Jeru the Damaja
13. Pharaohe Monch
12. Guru
11. LL Cool J
10. Common Sense
9. Nasty Nas
8. RZA
7. Master Ace
6. Chuck D
5. Q-Tip
4. Kool Moe Dee
2. Rakim
1. Melle Mel

...it's like that, y'all! Acknowledge!

Grandmaster MELLE MEL is the greatest rapper of all time! He inspired everybody from Rakim to Kool Moe Dee to Big Daddy Kane!

by jAwN April 21, 2004

34πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


How people from ATL say shit.

Awwwwwwww sheet, y'all done fucked up and let me into this bitch.

by jAwN April 1, 2005

152πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


When your nuts are a little sweaty so they stick to the side of your leg. The pre-cursor to itchy nuts.

"Dude, it's so hot in here I got the worst walnuts."

by jAwN May 29, 2005

35πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž