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delete spree

The act of frantically deleting your posts and comments from social media after you've realised you've gone too far.

Nick: "Sorry, about that man. I think Nazi's hacked my Facebook account."
Pat: "No way, dude. We all know you went on a delete spree before you panicked and pulled the plug."

by jasonspsyche April 13, 2015

keyboard bravado

Engaging confident or brave talk or behavior that is intended to impress other people from the safety of being behind a keyboard instead of in person, usually accompanied by blustering swaggering conduct and a pretense of bravery. Can also describe the quality or state of being foolhardy on social media in a way that one wouldn't otherwise act in other circumstances.

What would have been an otherwise civil debate escalated into an online meltdown due to much keyboard bravado and fragile egos.

by jasonspsyche April 13, 2015

bottle booger

The dried up bit of substance crusting at the opening of a bottle that impedes the flow and sometime ends up in your dispensed portion. Often found on mustard, ketchup, and lotion. (See also lotion booger.)

Cindy: "Mom, Danny just flicked a bottle booger at me."
Danny: "See, it's just ketchup."
Mom: "Danny, stop picking bottle boogers and eating them!"

by jasonspsyche February 6, 2018

That's what BP said

Instead of "that's what she said", but referring to an embarrassing situation, or something that one would rather cover up.

Buffy: "I don't want to go to the beach. I'm having a heavy flow day."

Heather: "That's what BP said!"

by jasonspsyche June 22, 2010

332👍 289👎


"Digg Under the Influence" - when someone likes or posts something on Digg while high or intoxicated.

Dude, did you see that blog about that guy stacking donuts on his penis on Jim's Digg?

Yeah, musta been a DUI.

by jasonspsyche July 13, 2010

3👍 25👎