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An app that is avaible for smart phones that let's you air some secrets or insecurities anonymously. PEOPLE can give you advice to help you and message you to help you as well. IT'S the best app ever.

A real whisper from whisper

No one knows I've been molested by my older cousin twice. NOT even my mother. I'M scared no one will believe me.

by jassybtwerkingandyikingitup June 27, 2013

137👍 52👎


A new viral dance that started on Facebook.com. It is done to the dance rednose by Sage the Gemini. It usually consists of a boy and girl, but can be done with girl on girl. The dance is like having sex but with clothes on. the girl swivels her hips and ass on the Guys or girls pelvis. The guy or girl leading the dance grabs the girls hips and controls the hip movement in some cases. Look up The Yike on youtube if you need visuals. Its similar to twerking but on someone.

Booty, sex, twerk, yike

by jassybtwerkingandyikingitup June 19, 2013

413👍 334👎