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1. Messed up. Stupid. Lame. Ignorant. Is used to describe the actions of another individual or group of people as being negative or having a negative effect on others.

Jon takes the last cold Mountain Dew Revolution out of the fridge.

Ben:(goes to the fridge) I'm so thirsty. I think that I'll have the last of my Dew Revolution. (notices there is none) What happened to my Dew?

Jon: Sorry, dude. I took the last one.

Ben: That's busted.


Tony: When I got back in town last weekend from a long business trip, the first thing that I wanted to do was go home to see my wife. When I got there, she was in the process of hooking up with someone else.

Jeff: Man, that's pretty busted.

Tony: I know. I felt like I should be on Jerry Springer or something.

by jcsavestheday August 22, 2008

7👍 7👎

pregnant pause

The silence that occurs after someone has said or done something that leaves everyone who bore witness to the event speechless.

The first cousin of awkward silence.

A pregnant pause often occurs when something that requires a sarcastic response happens, but no one quite knows what to day or do.

In the middle of a group of people having a conversation, Michael picks his nose and then eats it. All conversation ceases.

(pregnant pause)

by jcsavestheday August 22, 2008

197👍 65👎

alrighty then

A phrase used to dismiss the weird/stupid/unexplainable actions of another person. Most often used to buffer a pregnant pauseafter someone has said or done something that makes absolutely no sense.

Lena: Juan, are you naturally Mexican?


Juan: Alrighty then...


Nate: I think that I want to go to the continent of France one day...


Dave: Alrighty then...


For no apparent reason, Ken decides to run out of a crowded room crying, slamming the door behind him.

Rick: Alrighty then...

by jcsavestheday August 22, 2008

309👍 92👎