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happy half-naked time

1. To become very close to intercourse, but not achieve the desired result.
2. To believe that you are going to get lucky, and wind up with your dick in your hand at the end of the night.

Jimmy thought that he was going to get lucky with Isabelle, but it turned out to only be 'happy half-naked time'... poor guy.

by jdillpickle April 30, 2007

34👍 17👎

happy naked time

1. To have sexual intercourse.

It looks like Tim and Brianne are about to go have some 'happy naked time.'

by jdillpickle April 30, 2007

38👍 8👎


The brain housing group, thought box, head, bucket, cabeza

In Iowa, you have to use your thunker to make it through the winters.

by jdillpickle April 18, 2019

Happy In My Heart

1. Extremely content; overjoyed; ecstatic; 'bubbling over.'

2. A deep-down jubilance.

3. As happy as one can get.

"That makes me 'happy in my heart.'" Amber said, when finding out that Joshua DID make it to the bar she recommended.

by jdillpickle May 2, 2007

18👍 3👎


To be agree to meet up or arrange to do something and fail to show up.
Stood up, blown off, lip service, ignored, rebuffed

Brenna scheryled me again... she never showed up at the gym...

by jdillpickle January 22, 2019