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Can of crap

1.) A can of crap is a bad, troubling situation arising when a decision or action and produces considerable subsequent problems. If you open a can of crap, you do something that will cause a lot of problems and is probably going to cause more trouble.

2.) A can that is full of crap.

Yeah Frank, I was at the meeting when they read the financial statement, and Frank, if they ever find out we capitalized a loss, it's going to open up a can of crap.

by jeffbo April 11, 2009

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the habitual shadow farter

This is a form of antisocial behavior and can be generally characterized as a lack of adherence to the social standards that allow members of a group to temporarily mingle close knit peaceably. Individuals with the habitual shadow farting disorders are responsible for about 75% of all the ventriloquized farts committed, though they make up only about five percent of the population. Most of those with the habitual shadow farter disorder are male. Of the females that account for a smaller portion, most are not stinky. This individual often is in a state of denial , cutting the cheese and repositioning his or her self away from the point of passing it, and often blaming another member of the group for his or hers transgressions.

Stay tuned for Dr. Phil, and the habitual shadow farter interview.

by jeffbo May 26, 2009

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1.) A place on a desk or table where someone has wiped a booger or stuck a peice of gum usually under the top of the desk.

2.) A small knobbly rock or hard mineral cluster, such as a Booger or gum nodule usually found under a counter top, table, or desk top.

Obamma spent the evening removing George Bush's deskdules.

by jeffbo April 8, 2009

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lost vowel syndrome

A rare but critical occurrence often occurring after a stroke or head injury, where a person looses their vowels, example: a,e,i,o,u and sometimes they loose y. Loosing a vowel creates a type of sound in pronunciation for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth at any point when vocalization occurs. Often a person who looses their vowels seem to be speaking a different language or tongues. A early example is in the biblical book of Acts. The apostles had come together in a barn to worship the Lord, and nobody understood what they were saying, probably because the Romans had beat them silly with sticks or something.

Steven was walking his ass and suddenly the ass kicked him in the head, when we found Steven I asked him wuz up.. He said gt kck n m hd b th ss. By inference I knew he meant " I got kicked in my head by the ass." It occured that he was suffering a concussion that gave him the lost vowel syndrome.

by jeffbo July 1, 2009

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Butt Dumper

A smoker that empties their ashtray out either trough their window while driving or while parking, onto a road or highway when they think nobody is looking.

Barbara On The Phone With Betty: Oh yeah, yeah, it says allot, being that he's a butt dumper, he'll probably be a slob too.

by jeffbo June 30, 2009

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

butt rake

1.) Various angles in lower back and butt cheek geometry.

2.) The area that starts at the lower back where the butt is connected and following that slope to where the slope starts the 90 degree vertical drop.

Jack : Mike, you see the new secretary ! What a freeking babe !

Mike: Yeah and her butt rake is fascinating !!

by jeffbo May 26, 2009

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

butt ring

The dark area around the base of a hemorrhoidal ointment injector tube.

Hey baby, what is this ring around the toothpaste tube, 'Oh, sorry darling, I didnt mean to leave it on the sink top, that's my butt ring on my hemorrhoidal ointment injector tube.

by jeffbo March 28, 2009

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