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The belief that members of particular groups, sexualities, genders, sexes, races, etc. are afforded advantages in society for being a member of said group.

The term was popularized by the regressive left and is generally used as an easy button to shut down discussions/arguments and blame others for one's own shortcomings. Achievements earned by others through hard work are dismissed as just further evidence of their privilege.

By accepting this philosophy, believers in this religion create a world where all their failures are the fault of someone else, and all the successes of others are because they possessed some inherit unfair advantage.

Bill: I can't get a decent job, I'm fat because of poor genetics, and I'm poor because of institutionalized racism. I wish I had your privilege John.

John: So your decision to screw off in school, constantly eat junk food, knock up your ex who you now have to pay child support to has nothing to do with your current situation?

Bill: John you seriously need to check your privilege.

by jellybellyjones June 2, 2017

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