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verb - the act of causing someone else to be sick in order to gain attention for oneself

That crazy mother Munchausened her daughter.

by jenclem October 3, 2023


An individual who intentionally sabotages the lives and relationships of people around him/her out of envy and/or spite.

Because that twist is such a loser, whenever anyone around him is doing well, he purposely does something to sabotage them.

by jenclem September 8, 2012

97👍 40👎


To make as situation or project met safety guidelines for COVID safety

We're going to covidize the movie by reducing the cast size, limiting the locations to one, and having the zombies wear masks with PPE underneath instead of using makeup.

by jenclem October 16, 2020


A person who doesn't know if they are coming or going.

That ditzy girl is such a blumpkin

by jenclem January 29, 2011

4👍 44👎


The art of overly elaborating or pontificating about a topic, inundating the listener with an abundance of words and information, while actually providing only a minimal or insufficient understanding of the subject matter. This term describes the act of explaining things in an unnecessarily verbose or convoluted manner, leaving the recipient with more confusion than clarity.

While lallysplaining can make it seem like one has important information, it is often very quickly obvious that they have no idea what they are talking about.

by jenclem October 1, 2023


An individual who has significant difficulty understanding and operating electronics.

He is such an etard, he couldn't operate a toaster, never mind that computer

by jenclem April 27, 2019