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Modern subculture of contemporary youth. Go-getters, who are aiming to develop their careers, and are willing to share their steps with the entire world. They know internet algorithms quite well and know how to react and how they are supposed comment on other people's content to reach more people with their own content.

Meanwhile, they're interested in personal development, trendy gyms, and a healthy diet in a vegan bistro. They reduce sugar but add up caffeine. They listen to podcasts (about personal development) and read new books (about personal development) based on legit whitepapers. Truly passionate about traveling to foreign hotels, and trying local cuisine in fancy restaurants. They aim for success and spread only positive vibes. Even though, they all go to a therapy

- Hey dude, who are these people and what the heck they're doin?
- Oh, these are just linkedins networking, trying to add up some value while aiming for success .

by jerzysergiusz April 19, 2023