Source Code


What George W. Bush has turned the White House into.

See also: Republicans

by jesster79 January 24, 2005

256πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž

Sede Vacante

Latin words meaining empty chair. Usually means that the papal office is unoccupied.

What the Presidency is in effect, since we now have an illegitimate pretender as our President since January of 2001.

The office of the President has been Sede Vacante since the election of George W. Bush and his taking office in January of 2001.

by jesster79 February 8, 2006

229πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


1. The current occupant of the White House.
2. See also Bush, George W.

George W. Bush stole the election, therefore he is a thief.

by jesster79 February 19, 2006

508πŸ‘ 317πŸ‘Ž

flight suit

1. A type of military uniform worn by fighter pilots during missions.

2. A suit worn by politicans when they screw up and want to cover it up by four flushing posturing.

George W. Bush wore a flight suit right before landing on a carrier deck to deliver that little mission accomplished speech.

by jesster79 January 24, 2006

214πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

James Dale Guckert

Better known as Jeff Gannon, James Dale Guckert is yet another four flushing shill paid for by the Republican party. Guckert had been in a number of White House press briefings posing as a reporter for Talon News - a propaganda house for the party. He would come up with "questions" that were always deferential and seemed to prop up Bush.

Guckert had also advertised him self as a male prostitute on gay men escort services sites.

This shows even more how dependant Republicans are on propaganda. That's because they cannot do anything right and need propaganda from FOX News, talking heads like Limbaugh, Coulter, and O'Reilly as well as paid shills such as Guckert and Armstrong Williams.

Guckert asked monkey boy questions about soup lines and the other people (read democrats and other Bush opponents) getting a divorce from reality.

His nice friendly business on the side of doing other men was discovered in the subsequent investigation.

by jesster79 March 14, 2005

160πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A mucus like substance that the Republican party is built out of.

There are many, many examples of Republican slimeballs.

by jesster79 March 14, 2005

947πŸ‘ 1007πŸ‘Ž

Dick Cheney

A man who has no heart and failing eye sight. Someone who has no idea what hunter safety is. A man who excuses everything George Bush does, no matter how evil or stupid.

Dick Cheney is either another Bush bootlicker or one of the powers behind the throne.

by jesster79 February 19, 2006

353πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž