Source Code


A character from a funny Kids in the Hall skit.

Hey Lopez you there?

by jim December 9, 2004

77πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

meat curtains

vagina lips

Mary Jayne had her meat curtains tore up by Willy last night

by jim January 27, 2004

179πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž

cock block

when some fag ruins your game wit a female. . sometimes done intentionally

When your bouts to get your dick sucked right. . and your boy drunk as fuck comes in a sits next to you to talk about this hoe he was spittin at

by jim April 13, 2003

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


n. a little cigar that is wrapped with paper and not tobacco leaves.

"my definition of cigarrette is the best. it should be in the OED."

by jim June 25, 2003

37πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Le Chat et Le Gangster

The best book ever about a soft hearted gangster who falls for a cat and gets caught

Woah Le Chat et Le Gangster est super!

by jim April 14, 2005

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A server-side scripting language that kicks the living shit out of PERL and A$P.

$arr = array(
"1" => "PERL sucks",
"2" => "ASP sucks"


by jim November 13, 2003

48πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

drive by

farting while walking by a co-workers workstation

wtf is that smell? that mf'er must have done a drive by, cuz it wasn't me.

by jim December 13, 2003

457πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž