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a good pair of shoes, so what if soo many people wear them, you shouldn't worry about what other people wear, most new vans coming out today have snazzy designs that fit almost anybodys personality, ALSO you don't have to be some different label to buy them, you just have to be a person looking for a good deal on a pair of shoes that will last you a while.

person #1:"damn....I need some shoes, but I want some colored wacky ones.."

kid with vans:"you should buy some vans bro, I'll bet you'll find some for you!"

person #1:"I don't have much money, I don't know, them Jordans be running expensive.."

kid with vans: "naw bro, they got em in your size and style..just check it out, plus dey cheap..like 50 bucks or cheaper!"

person #1: "oh fo realz? ight dats sweet!!"

by jojolokz February 5, 2007

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