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A contagious form of douchebaggery where a person you hang around with is such a douchebag, it rubs off on others where they too become douchebags.

I must have douchebagitus because my friends were decent when I met them. Now they are all douchesniffers.

by jon.o April 14, 2010

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IP abbr.

A drug or other substance administered into or within the penis.

That dude is hardcore. He uses all his drugs intrapenisly.

by jon.o July 25, 2009

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when a person fills a bendy straw with drugs, inserts the smaller end to another persons nostril and blows quickly to blast them directly to the brain.

I want this shit to hit me quick. Will you give me a telesnort?

by jon.o July 25, 2009

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The grandma version of a couger

Let s go to the nursing home to pick up some grougers.

by jon.o August 29, 2009

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doo doo bomb

Noun doo-doo bom To send a picture of an epic turd to an unexpecting friend via email or text in hopes the recipient gets upset or possibly pukes

I got a re doo doo bomb when I sent my friend a pic of my epic turd.

by jon.o March 5, 2012

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The maximum level of douchescocity.

That asshole is a the biggest douche ever. He s a douchesniffer piece of shit

by jon.o December 20, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a mesurment of how big of a douche bag one can be.1st level douche bag. 2nd level doucher. 3rd level which is the highest doucheshniffer.

That basterd has reached maximum douchescacity. He's a freakin doucheshniffer.

by jon.o June 27, 2009