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Akash M

-One of the most special people ever. A complete legend who is always able to put a smile on people's faces with their positive attitude. Someone who you can trust with anything, reply on and talk about anything to. This person is one of the few truely great people who excist and they are simply the best. Akash M is a type of person who can achieve anything and have natural great abilities. Easy to love and loved by everyone, particularly in relationships and therefore make the best boyfriends of all time.

"everyone needs an Akash M"

by jonezy101 June 28, 2009

34👍 4👎


One of the most important and special people in your life, you want to always heard their voice and be by their side. A person who you can trust, love and go to when in need.

"everyone needs a boyfriend"

by jonezy101 June 28, 2009

348👍 44👎

pebble abs

Extremely small or non-excistent stomach muscles. Often owned by a mikey type of person.

girl: "show your abs then"

boy: "i cant"

girl: "haha cause their pebble abs"

by jonezy101 June 28, 2009

1👍 2👎