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To be heavily under the influence of alcohol and being in a black out unresponsive state.

"Dude I bottled Caspar last night at the train station , i was so Blind."

"Did you hear about Huddo? He was so blind and pissed his mums bed"

by jonjoshelvey10 August 8, 2019

2👍 1👎


A man who is very reputable and experienced in penetrating the female clitoris with his penis for a long duration of time with fast paced repetitions and completely satisfying a woman's sexual needs.

"Dude... Trust me , Eddie is a slammer. He fucked that girl at school camp pretty hard."

"Bro , you are NOT a slammer... i'm pretty sure you are still a Virgin"

by jonjoshelvey10 August 8, 2019


To spontaneously do something.

"Dude i went to the airport and spono'd a flight to Mexico"

"last night i spono'd that new brothel you told me about"

by jonjoshelvey10 August 8, 2019