Source Code


When your trying to talk to someone online and it tags..

Kyle: Yo hey ###
Joe:What ### ### ####### ### ## ##
Kyle: Sorry it ######
Joe: #############################

by jp7hm March 27, 2023


Him is him he gets all the bitches on earth and all the hoes on earth he can give you anything you ask for because he is him

Joe: OMG Are You Him????!!!
Jack: Yes indeed i am him
Joe: Can I Please Have bitches
Jack: Your Wish Is My Command

by jp7hm March 27, 2023

45👍 21👎


The best on earth he is the chosen one he gets everything he gets all the hoes he gets all the bitches ask him for something he will give you it

Joe: OMG are you him
Jack: yes what do you want
Joe all the bitches on earth
Jack: your wish is my command

by jp7hm March 27, 2023

6👍 7👎