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crayola queen

Someone who wears so much make up, it makes them look like that they just rubbed a whole packet of crayons on their face. Normally this is for a girl, hence the Crayola 'Queen'

Check out how much make-up that Crayola Queen is wearing....


Look at that Crayola Queen!!

by jsjbshsjbdjwibdbfnsjshsjskdhjw September 13, 2013

slut whore bitches

Someone who wears shit loads of makeup, has sex with everyone in the f@#£%&g building and who is a total bitch in general, so basically, peoples names who begin with 'm' usually end up being a slut whore bitch.

Wow, that's a real slut whore bitch
look at those slut whore bitches

by jsjbshsjbdjwibdbfnsjshsjskdhjw September 13, 2013